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Athletic Safety & Other Information


For the fall and spring semesters of the 7th grade and

fall and spring semesters of the 8th grade,

The student must pass at least 4 of the following courses: Language Arts, Math,

Science, Social Studies and Physical Education. If a student is not taking Physical Education during a semester, an elective

The course can count toward meeting this requirement.

  • Students who attend school in person will be allowed to change out in the locker rooms.

  • Home online students must arrive for practice between 3:35p and 3:45p DRESSED for practice.

  • All students must bring his/her own drink for practice.

  • A current physical needs to be in hand or on file with the school

  • Parents will need to pick students up promptly at 5:15pm daily.

  • Any questions, please contact Sandy Grove Athletic Director-Mitchell Coe


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