Library Resources
Follow the link above in order to put a hold on a book from our collection. Here are some instructions before you go.
Click the link in the title above the instructions list.
Select "North Carolina" under the "Location" dropdown menu.
Select "Sandy Grove Middle School" under the "School" drop down menu.
Sign In with your Google Account
Once you are logged in, you may feel free to browse our collection.
To put a hold on a book, select the "Hold" option. Mr. Meadows will get you your hold ASAP (Estimated Arrival Times may vary).
With StudentAccess, our students and staff can use their school IDs to check out books from Hoke County Public Library! The account is free, and any non-digital materials may be picked up at the Hoke County Public Library at this address.
Hoke County Public Library
334 North Main Street
Raeford, NC, 28376
Your school account will be separate from any previous accounts made with HCPL and will not change anything about them.
Student and Staff accounts have been automatically set up and are as follows:
Username: School ID Number,
Password: Last 4 digits of School ID Number.
If you have problems logging in, please contact DTIF at 910-904-0026 or HCPL at 910-875-02502.
If a parent wishes to have their student opt out of the program, they may fill out the opt-out form to do so.
Students and staff can access their accounts by clicking the NC Kids or NC Cardinal Logo above.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Meadows in the Media Center.